Social Economy: A few steps left for a statute for EU cross-border non-profit organisations ?
The most common legal forms of non-profit organisations are mainly associations and foundations. These two legal forms are the most defined in various European legal codes. However, they are far from being the only forms existing in most EU member states.
First renewed board of the Social Good Accelerator
On 25 August, the newly elected Board of Directors was unanimously elected at the Ordinary General Assembly on 30 June. This first meeting came at a real turning point for the association. It was an opportunity to discuss these key issues for the SOGA and its busy agenda.
Social Tech Academy : a program for the Social Economy, by the Social Economy
Our society has been undergoing profound transformations for several decades, which cannot be understood without taking into account the development of digital technology. The upheavals that it induces undeniably affect the Social Economy sector, which has no choice but to adapt.
Digital inclusion: how is it going in Europe?
Digital inequalities, more often referred to as the “digital divide”, are an obstacle for those who already have difficulties in using them or who do not have access to them. To fill these gaps, public authorities are taking action at both national and European level…
G7 Summit: why does the British Southwest matter for the digital sector?
The G7 Summit is currently taking place in the seaside resort of Carvis Bay, Cornwall, UK. The choice of this region was undoubtedly made to showcase its rugged rocky coastline and the bucolic charm it inspires. But it is simplistic to reduce the peninsula to this caricature.
EUSES 2021: a European crossroads for social economy
For two days, many stakeholders of the social economy came together online at the first European summit exclusively dedicated to this topic. More than 5,000 participants attended this pioneering event, broadcasted from the Rhine city of Mannheim.
EUSES 2021: on our way to Mannheim !
After its postponement, we are finally at the doorstep of this key summit for the social economy at European level. In the context of the German Council Presidency in 2020, the choice was made to hold the first European Social Economy Summit in Mannheim. In the end, the summit will be exclusively...
Preparing Mannheim : discussion with Karel Vanderpoorten
This meeting was a dual initiative from Jeanne Bretécher, president of the association Social Good Accelerator and Karel Vanderpoorten, Policy Officer within the Social Economy Unit, DG Grow of European Commission, to bring people around the table on developments for the digital sector. First,...
Editorial – DSA and DMA: Can the EU take on Big Tech?, March 2021, by Arnaud Castaignet
In December 2020, the European Commission presented the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA). Both are aimed at regulating digital platforms and clarifying the policing responsibilities. These new pieces of legislation are billed as urgent pieces of regulation, mostly because...