by sogaccelerator | 31 Jan 2025 | Editorial, IA & data, News SOGA
Face aux défis du numérique et de la transition écologique, les acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) doivent adapter leurs pratiques et renforcer leurs compétences. Le projet européen SETS (Social Economy Transition Skills), financé par l’Union...
by sogaccelerator | 11 Mar 2021 | News ESS
The first European Social plan, which will be driven by European associations and announced by Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, raises several questions. The consequences of the economic and social crises we are experiencing are putting the social economy at the...
by sogaccelerator | 19 Nov 2020 | News ESS, News Tech
As the COVID health crisis19 is forcing a large proportion of Europeans to remain at home, Social Economy, Digital inclusion, Democracy defense are more than ever accurate. On such matters, European activity is not slowing down. Here is a panorama on EU Public Affairs...
by sogaccelerator | 13 Nov 2020 | Editorial, News SOGA
The Road to EU Social Economy Summit, Mannheim, May 2021Tallinn, Estonia, november 2020In her letter of intent to David Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is currently holding the EU Council Presidency,...