Digital commons and their value creation
In 2019, the Social Good Accelerator and its network decided to start analysing the needs for cooperation between social and technological innovators.
A second part will come afterwards, focusing on the replicability and the transferability of collaborative economy models from the social economy to other sectors.

Part 2 – The value creation of social and collaborative economy ecosystems (2023)
In 2019, €184 billion of value was created in Europe thanks to the open-data. Generative ecosystems which are based on open data are becoming increasingly important.
Through qualitative interviews in four European countries (France, Germany, Portugal, Estonia), the aim will be to carry out a comparative macroeconomic analysis. The study will focus on the replicability and the transferability of collaborative economy models from the social economy to other sectors.
The launch of this research chapter is planned soon.
Promote the forms of development of these contributory models and their virtuous dynamics (contribution/exploitation of data)
Advocate to European and national institutions on supporting and promoting these models
Better frame the uses and the obstacles encountered when companies, institutions and entrepreneurs use contributory models
Understand what are the gains (social, economic) of these contributory models for the companies and the entrepreneurs around the EU