Identifying the digital needs in the social economy

In 2019, the Social Good Accelerator and its network decided to start analysing the needs for cooperation between social and technological innovators.

This pioneer study drew several conclusions on the vision of the digital sector by the social economy stakeholders, and vice-versa. This research work was then presented to EU policy-makers in 2020.

Research workers

Part 1 – The cooperation between Social utility and Tech organisations in the European Union (2019-2020)

Shortly after it was created, the Social Good Accelerator had the ambition to provide an overview of the different forms of cooperation between the social economy and the Tech sectors.

An analysis of the expectations and obstacles of social utility actors was made in the 2018-2019 period, for a publication in early 2020. This study had several objectives in mind.

Produce key learnings and clear guidelines on how to support and strengthen these collaborations

Identify social economy and Tech stakeholders who are opened to an intersectorial partnership

Understanding the mutual interests and the solutions used across different fields related to these partnerships

Measure how partnerships are facilitated by the maturity of national social and Tech ecosystems