Join our training of trainers for the social economy in digital skills
As trainers in the social economy, we offer you a free training course as part of the Social Tech Academy project! This one-day online course aims to give you a framework, advice and tools to help you develop your digital skills. Join our training of trainers for the social economy in digital skills on March 24, 2023 in English and March 30, 2023 in French.
The European project Social Tech Academy is a project led by the Social Good Accelerator, Pour La Solidarité, EGINA and Fundación Esplai. This project, financed by Erasmus+, aims to create a European platform of resources on the professions and skills of the digital social economy. This platform is intended for young people, people in professional reconversion, trainers and recruiters of the social economy. Therefore it will be composed of training courses, webinars, job descriptions, interviews with professionals, job offers and internships.

✔️ Giving trainers a framwork for training digital social economy
✔️ Provide tools dans guidance on social economy and digital skills
✔️ Co-design the training modules of the Social Tech Academy project
The training
This training aims at all trainers of vocational and educational training organisations in the social economy or of university degrees in the social economy. We want to help you in your job by helping you to better build your professional training. Through several modules and practical cases, we invite you to discover the existing digital skills repositories as well as innovative approaches to digital education for social economy professions.
Find the full course brochure here in French and here in English.
Practical information
As the platform will be available in 4 languages, training will also be provided in 4 languages. The English course will take place on 24 March 2023, the French course will take place on 30 March 2023 and two more in Italian and Spanish are coming soon. Places are limited. To register, please follow this link for the French version and this link for the English version