Policy papers
The Social Good Accelerator aims to advocate for a better support and recognition of digital transition needs and alternatives within Social Economy and Civil society in the European Union.
As an engaged network on the digital transition of social economy, its community contributes to draw a new model by submitting several proposals to the European public powers. Find out what we stand for.

Social Economy
EU Action Plan for Social Economy
Transition pathways public consultation (February 2022)
The European Commission proposed to the civil society to propose scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem. It will help building EU’s Industrial Strategy, highlighting the need to accelerate it regarding the digital and green transition.
The scenarios will also help building the implementation of the Action Plan for Social Economy, published in late 2021. It proposes a series of actions for the 2021-2030 period for the development of this key sector.
EU Action Plan for Social Economy
Transition pathways for Proximity and Social Economy (November 2022)
Digital technology
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – a European approach
Focus policy paper public consultation (June 2020)
The European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to establish an AI ecosystem that will bring the benefits of technology to European society and economy as a whole.
It aims change for citizens (improved public services); for businesses (new generation of products and services in areas where the EU has a lead); and in the area of services of public interest. This strategy paper postulates that the use of AI systems can play a considerable role in achieving sustainable development goals, and in supporting the democratic process and social rights.
European strategy for data
Focus policy paper public consultation (June 2020)
The Data Strategy and the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence are the first pillars of the European Commission’s new Digital Agenda 2021-2027. They both emphasise the need to give priority to people in the development of technology, as well as the need to defend and promote European values and rights in the way technology is designed, manufactured and deployed in the real economy.
The European Data Strategy aims to create a single market for data that will ensure EU’s global competitiveness and data sovereignty. Common European Data Spaces will ensure that more data will be available for use in the economy and society, while retaining control over the companies and individuals that generate the data.
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